08180988802 07039518681
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The Water Doctor Service is a service powered by I-MACONI NIGERIA LIMITED


Our Contacts
Head Office:
6, Babatunde Anjous Street, Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Numbers:
Working Time:
9:00am - 5:00pm. Monday - Friday
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frequently asked questions
You Have Questions, We Have Answers
Water problems can be extremely frustrating, especially when you can't use it for all your domestic purposes.
Can I pick up my water at your store?
Yes you can. We offer special pricing for our customers who choose to pick up their water rather than have it delivered.
What do I do with my empties?
Simply leave them at a safe spot and we will drop off your refill in the same spot. Please note, our staff will not enter your building to place bottles on your dispenser or drop off bottles at multiple points within your building or premises.
How often will my water be delivered?
There are different options: every week, every 2 weeks, every 4 weeks or upon your request. Certain areas can only receive deliveries every 4 weeks due to the distance. Just let us know the schedule you prefer.
What if I run out of water before my next delivery?
If you find yourself running low on water before your next scheduled delivery please call our office at 07039518681, 08180988802, and we will try to make arrangements for you to receive what you need. You also have the option of stopping by The Water Doctor store and picking up what you need. We are located at 6, Babatunde Anjous Street(Road 47), Off Admiralty way, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos.
Why should I choose home delivery over buying water at the store?
We are convenient and affordable! No more lugging heavy bottles from the store or running out of water before your next trip to the grocery store. Save yourself the trouble, let us bring the water to you!
Should I clean the drip tray on my dispenser?
Yes, this is not a drain so whatever falls into the drip tray will stay there until removed. To clean the drip tray, pull up on the tray and it should detach from the water dispenser. Be careful to pull smoothly or whatever is in the tray will slosh. Clean the tray with warm soapy water and place back on the dispenser.
How often do I clean my water cooler/dispenser and how do I do this?
You are required to clean your water cooler/dispenser every 3 months. We offer this service for a fee which is very affordable. Please call 08180988802 or fill this form. For the self service option please watch this video.
There’s water dripping from the spigot. What should I do?
Simply tighten the top of the water spigot; underneath the lever. If the water is still dripping out after you tighten the top, call customer service at 08077781428, 08180988802, 07039518681.
How do I place a bottle on the dispenser?
Placing a bottle on the dispenser is easy; If your dispenser does not have a water guard system, remove the cap from the bottle, and place on the dispenser. If your dispenser has a water guard system, remove the label from the top of the bottle cap and place the bottle with cap onto the dispenser. The spill-safe attachment on all dispensers will push open the valve in the cap cover saving you from spilling or contaminating the water.