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The Water Doctor Service is a service powered by I-MACONI NIGERIA LIMITED


Our Contacts
Head Office:
6, Babatunde Anjous Street, Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Numbers:
Working Time:
9:00am - 5:00pm. Monday - Friday
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our services
Our Water Purifiers are designed and manufactured with NSF approved components. We take pride in assembling and supplying superior quality products that are efficient, reliable, and simple to maintain while still being very cost effective. We can work with you to help tailor our products to virtually any application you may have to ensure you meet your goals.

 Our Water Purifiers are designed and manufactured with NSF approved components. We take pride in assembling and supplying superior quality products that are efficient, reliable, and simple to maintain while still being very cost effective. We can work with you to help tailor our products to virtually any application you may have to ensure you meet your goals.